Personal data
Name and surname:
Andrzej Popiel
Date and place of birth:
Warsaw, 15.08.1952
Address for correspondence:
Zelwerowicza street no. 91, 02-928 Warsaw
Phone: +48 22 842 42 33,
Mobile +48 698 031 083
-1977 Awarded diploma at the Graphis Department of the Warsaw Academy of Arts
(painting classes at prof. Jerzy Tchórzewski and graphic arts at the classes of Halina Chrostowska.
-1976 College of Pedagogy at the Warsaw Academy of Arts.
-1970 National School of Fine Arts in Warsaw
– 2004 Half-year scholarship from the Ministry of Culture and the Arts
– 1977 The annual grant from the Ministry of Culture and the Arts
– 1987 Four months scholarship of the French government
– 1981 Four months scholarship at Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam (Holland)
– 1979 Scholarship of the Society of Friends of Fine Arts
– 2012 Tutor II º on arts, equal in rights with associate professor degree
– 2007 Degree of diploma teacher
– 2000 Tutor I º on arts, equal in rights with doctorate degree
Profesional experience
I am dealing with illustrations and covers for books for many editorial houses
(for exemple: Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne, Wydawnictwo Juka). I am very active working as a graphic designer and painter.
– 2008-2013 Art teacher at University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
– 2003-2013 Art teacher at College of teachers in Warsaw
– 2004-2006 Art teacher at Correction Centre in Warsaw
– 2004-2005 Art teacher at French Elementary School
– 1997-2000 Art teacher at the Primary, Secondary and High School in the International American School 6.01.1979 Teacher of drawing and painting at the State High School of Arts
in Warsaw at Smocza 6 street
Foreign languages:
– English, French fluent spoken and written Curriculum Vitae